Renée Adams
Saïd Business School, University of Oxford (United Kingdom)
Renée B. Adams is a Professor of Finance at Saïd Business School, University of Oxford. She is a Fellow of the European Corporate Governance Institute, a senior fellow at the Asian Bureau of Finance and Economic Research and a former Finance Department Editor at Management Science. She is an expert on corporate governance, bank governance and gender. Her work has a strong policy orientation and lies at the intersection between economics, finance, management and psychology. Professor Adams interest in diversity and gender is not limited to research. She co-founded AFFECT, the American Finance Association Academic Female Finance Committee, in 2015, and chaired it until 2020.

Daniel Ferreira
London School of Economics (United Kingdom)
Daniel Ferreira is Head of Department and Professor of Finance at the London School of Economics. He is known for his academic work on corporate governance, especially on the workings of corporate boards, having written several influential articles on the topic. More generally, his research interests span areas such as corporate finance, organisations, business strategy, and microeconomics, with articles published in leading journals in finance, economics, accounting, and management. His academic work is policy relevant and has had significant media impact, being covered by The Wall Street Journal, The Financial Times, and The Economist, amongst others. He has also offered expert advice to businesses, governments, and organisations. He was awarded a PhD degree in Economics from the University of Chicago in 2002.